Students’ ability In Using The Simple Past Tense And Past Perfect Tense At Eleventh Year Students Of SMK Faliera Nias


  • Okniel Zebua Universitas Nias



simple past tense, past perfect tense, grammar


The purpose of this research was to compare and identify the students’ ability in using simple past tense and past perfect tense at eleventh year students of SMK Faliera Nias. This research collected the data by conducting the grammar test. The results show that; (1) the students’ ability in using the simple past tense in sentences was high classification generally. It means that only some students that can use the simple past tense in sentences. (2) the students’ ability in using the past perfect tense in sentences was average classification generally. It means that only some students that can use the past perfect tense in sentences. (3) the students’ ability in using the simple past tense and past perfect tense was high generally.


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How to Cite

Zebua, O. (2023). Students’ ability In Using The Simple Past Tense And Past Perfect Tense At Eleventh Year Students Of SMK Faliera Nias. Educatum: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 1(1), Page 200–204.